What a great weekend for Avery! I visited her on Saturday and spoke to her doctor who informed me that they would be starting her on a short course of steroids to reduce the inflamation in her lungs from having the ventilator tube down there for so long. He also told me that they planned to extubate her the next day! I was so relieved to find out that this short course of steroids had no bad side effects. What a relief! Brielle also got a great view of her on Saturday through the window. Avery was being her usual crazy girl self and pulling off her leads (one ended up on her head and Brielle thought that was hysterical) and squirming around. Brielle was a very happy big sister after our visit : )
On Sunday a.m. I called the NICU and found out that Avery had been extubated at approximately 9:00 a.m. and was doing really well. She was on CPAP (tubes that go into her nose and provide her with pressurized oxygen) and was on a very low setting. I couldn't wait to go see her! Sunday also happened to be the day of my baby shower. The shower was amazing and I enjoyed spending the day with all of my family and friends, but Avery was on my mind the whole time. I called a couple of times to check on her and received great reports. The nurse told me that she even heard her little cry! I headed up to the hospital around 5:30 and spent some time with her. She looked very peaceful and her vitals were excellent. She wasn't struggling to breathe at all. And I got to hear her little voice! Although, the voice wasn't so little after all. She definitely knew how to use those lungs!
Today is Monday, and she is still doing great. I held her for a while today and she was going crazy for her pacifier. Still focused on getting her to gain more weight, so her feeding schedule has been changed. She was on a continuous feed of 10 hours on/2 hours off, but they are moving her down to 6 hours on/3 hours off. She is still getting the same amount of food, but in a different way. This is to get her ready to bottle feed, which may happen as early as next week! I can't wait for that day! I took video of her today which I will post to the blog. This pic is also from today, mommy and baby snuggling. Enjoy! And thanks for reading....
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