Another good day for Avery! She gained another 2 ounces, bringing her total weight to 1 lb. 8 oz! And she is doing great with the feeding. She has tolerated it well and her feeds have increased every day for the past 4 days. She is being closely monitored right now for an infection that was detected in her body. The doctors aren't sure what is causing it, but they are planning on putting her on antibiotics as a preventative measure. We are hoping to have some more answers about the infection tomorrow after an x-ray is taken and test results are returned. She is still working on being weaned off the ventilator. Settings are turned down a little bit each day as long as she is tolerating it. The nurses keep telling me "she is the boss. she will let us know when she is ready to come off the ventilator." They're right!
I got to hold her briefly on Sunday afternoon. The nurse lifted up the top of the isolette and allowed me to pick her up and hold her in my hands. You can see in the picture above. It was a great moment and it made me want to hold her close to me and kiss her little cheeks, but I know I can't right now. Like I've said before, our time to cuddle will come soon, I'm sure. I keep telling myself that she should still be in my belly and if she was I wouldn't be able to see her or touch her or hold her yet. I can be patient.
Big sister Brielle is VERY excited to hold her little sister too! We are planning on visiting the hospital together this weekend for a Valentine's Day visit to Baby Avery. Brielle is not allowed in the NICU, but she can see her through the NICU windows. We are both looking forward to it. Brielle has already made some Valentine's Day decorations for her little sister's isolette. It's so sweet : )
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